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Accounting Fees are not a luxury
There may come a time in the life of any business when the owner(s) decide they need to do something about profits especially in periods of economic uncertainty or decline.
Accounting fees are not a luxury.
There may come a time in the life of any business when the owner(s) decide they need to do something about profits especially in periods of economic uncertainty or decline. There are two ways to increase profit. 1. Try to increase revenues (sales, services, rents, commissions, etc.). 2. Try to decrease expenses. The first instinct naturally is to cut out the "luxuries" and we all different thoughts on what is a luxury and what is a necessity. At the second look at our bottom lines, we may start to think about cutting payroll (people and/or hours) and do ourselves what we hired people to do.
We feel that Accounting and Bookkeeping is not a luxury and is in fact a necessity. If you currently are on a regular schedule, you are already aware of your financial position on a monthly basis. Switching to a quarterly schedule will save you some money in the short-run but at a different kind of cost. Furthermore, there are those that still go to their Accountant once a year. While this can save the most "money" maybe in monthly fees, the real cost is the planning throughout the year and knowing where you stand. The most basic is being hit with that tax bill you didn’t plan for then there may be some penalties involved for not making quarterly estimated payments.
To sum this up, it is like going to the dentist once a year without having brushed your teeth all year long. Oh sure, you may have even bought that bargain toothpaste and flossed once or twice and felt like you were saving money. But, don’t blame the dentist when you need three cavities filled or at worst a root canal.